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    3 Tips to Creating a Positive Money Message

      I feel as though I have started late in life with attempting to share a healthy relationship with money with my daughters. I never truly began my own journey to my money story until my marriage was ending. In the early years (okay, including the present moment as well),…


    Astra Client Spotlight

    Astra Client spotlight features our clients and their words so that we can gain more insight and learn from each other.  Feel free to let me know if you have something you would like to share. This month I asked Brenda Jacksteit a few questions.   Tell us a bit…


    My two-cents on Critical Illness Insurance

    I am always hesitant with insurance products. I like to do my homework and investigate all products. Only when there is a need and a necessity do I recommend insurance. Critical Illness Insurance is one that I often recommend. It is a lump sum that is paid to you if…


    Your Biggest Wealth-What is it?

    Biggest Wealth

    The health of your mind, body, and relationships is your biggest wealth. It is vital to nurture these assets while you nurture your finances. It is fair to want and need support and collaboration to run a household and manage the family finances. One person may want to do all…


    Independence – Astra Financial with PEAK

    I wanted to share with you a note from PEAK management. It speaks volumes as to why I have chosen to align my company, Astra Financial with PEAK.   You may have heard that some employees at Canada’s largest banks have reported that high-pressure tactics may have been used to…


    Provincial Budget – Get the LowDown

    The Saskatchewan government is increasing the provincial sales tax (PST) to deal with a deficit forecast at $685 million as the province looks to return to a balanced budget in three years. The PST is increasing one percentage point to six per cent effective March 23, 2017. PST is being…


    Federal Budget – Get the LowDown

    On Wednesday, March 22nd at 4 pm, Bill Morneau, Federal Minister of Finance, delivered his Federal budget in the House of Commons.  The budget is titled “Building a Strong Middle Class”. What you Need to Know The Federal budget was described as a “wait-and-see” budget by CBC news, with a…


    Money and Relationships -Adding Heart To Decisions

        It took almost a decade for me to realize the importance of money and relationships.  My career was beginning in finance and my life was becoming the place to practice my passion. I have learned things along the way from books, courses, professional designation, but more importantly from…


    Finding A Financial Planner- the right member of your team

    Where do you get your money advice from? Is it a friend who you think is money smart, maybe a parent or co-worker? Your money advice should come from a professional that can step back from the emotional side of money. Finding a Financial Planner should be a priority.  We…


    First Woman on the Canadian bank note

    $10 Canadian Bank Note Viola Desmond is considered an icon of human rights and freedom movement in Canada. She was a successful Nova Scotia business woman known for defiantly refusing to leave a whites-only movie theatre in 1946.  She was jailed, convicted and fined.  Her case was the first known…



    A Workbook For Planning A Financially-Sound Retirement



    How To Save For a House with Nicole Putz by Astra Financial

    How To Save For a House with Nicole Putz

    July 8, 2024
    Should You Get a Part-Time Job in Retirement?

    Should You Get a Part-Time Job in Retirement?

    June 17, 2024

    Should You Wait to Take CPP When You Retire Early?

    June 3, 2024