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    End of year tax updates you need to know

    2016 -end of year tax updates you need to know It has been a whirlwind of tax changes so I have put together a short video that shares the end of year tax updates that you need to know by Dec 31st.         Principle Residence Exemption The…


    Retirement Planning-5 Facts that No One Told You About

    Many people think about their retirement often and most begin their retirement planning way before they are close to retirement age.  However, some people only consider how much money they need in their RSP’s or pension when discussing their retirement plans.  There is so much more that you need to…


    Estate Planning Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts

    Death and Taxes Benjamin Franklin once claimed there are two things in life that you can’t avoid: death and taxes. In the case of those people who die without a will and proper estate planning. The saying can easily be changed to:  death and more taxes. The wise Benjamin Franklin…


    What I Wish Everyone Knew About Retirement Planning

    We are introducing a new tool that we think you will really appreciate called The Retireability Score.  Find out What I Wish Everyone Knew About Retirement Planning.   The Retireability Score is an online questionnaire that will take 10 – 15 minutes to complete. It will help you answer your retirement ready questions….


    More Than Financial Planning

    Amidst all of the US election noise and the financial market speculations that will come in the following days, I want to share with you a positive and uplifting note, something to take our minds off of the news and media blitz that we have been bombarded with. This month…


    Investing in your 40’s

    I wanted to share with you a question that came up with a couple that I just met: Q: We are in our early 40’s and have 2 young teens. We just finished paying off our mortgage and are now free and clear. Because our goal was paying down the…


    Pay Down Your Mortgage or Top-up Your TFSA?

    Pay down mortgage or top-up your TFSA The question of reducing debt or contributing to savings will continue to be debated for as long as people plan to retire in Canada. The battle is whether to pay down your mortgage or top-up your TFSA. Of course opting for both: reducing…


    Planning For Financial Well Being In Your Relationship

    With this being the busiest season for weddings I thought I would share a few tips for newlyweds.  Planning for your financial well being should start before the wedding day. I was going to title this ‘Tips before tying the knot’ and then I realized that these are words of…


    Retirement Myths Debunked

    We are experiencing a silver Tsunami. The leading edge of the Boomers turned 65 six years ago. On average, 1,250 Canadians turn 65 years old every single day. Most Boomers were born between 1961 -1965. That’s why you feel everyone has been turning 50. And people are living longer, much…


    Brexit and Canadian Investors

    Brexit and Canadian Investors

    Executive Summary Great Britain has decided, via referendum, to leave the European Union.  The shock and surprise of this decision sent markets into turmoil after the result was announced. There is much to be decided, and the effects of these decisions, that will then become the basis for further negotiation…



    A Workbook For Planning A Financially-Sound Retirement



    How To Save For a House with Nicole Putz by Astra Financial

    How To Save For a House with Nicole Putz

    July 8, 2024
    Should You Get a Part-Time Job in Retirement?

    Should You Get a Part-Time Job in Retirement?

    June 17, 2024

    Should You Wait to Take CPP When You Retire Early?

    June 3, 2024