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    Can you answer these 3 questions?

    gap in financial knowledge

    Are You Smarter Than A 20-Something American? There is a study from San Diego State University that found a gap in financial knowledge and behaviour in young people.  The study asked the following 3 questions. See if you know the answer. Do you think that the following statement is true…


    Estate Planning Mistakes of the Rich and Famous

    In the spirit of our Wills & Executor 101 evening coming up on Wed April 27th, I thought I would share a few stories from Estate Planning Mistake of the Rich and the Famous.  Michael Crichton, best-selling author did leave a will but it excluded any unborn  children. This is a…


    Investment Success, Defining Financial Freedom and The Big Short

    A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to spend the evening with the EdgePoint team and fund manager, Geoff MacDonald.  Geoff is outstanding at explaining  why Edgepoint invests in the companies they do and why those companies are successful. I left the meeting with 90 slides, graphs and charts,…


    The Bull and the Bear

    What is Meant by Bull and Bear Markets? No one really knows the exact origin of the terms “bull” and “bear” to describe the stock market, but their meaning is clear.  The most important thing to know about these terms is that they describe long-term trends, not short-term changes.  Bull…


    The Money Bomb

      It’s a new year, and now is a great time to get back to basics.  This month I am sharing my money bomb story with you.  The Money Bomb   Talking $$$ with your partner     At some point, as a relationship grows and becomes more serious, questions…


    Share The Gift That Keeps Giving

    Share The Gift That Keeps Giving Here are a few ideas to share with family and friends to help promote financial literacy this holiday season.     Kids aged five and under: Give books There are plenty of great reads for kids five and under who are just starting to…


    Post-Election Take on Taxes

    This month’s newsletter comes to you as a quick video. Find out some of the upcoming tax changes that might affect you. Click below to watch the video.    November Newsletter


    3 Things To Do Before Giving into The New Car Delirium

      3 Things To Do Before Giving into The New Car Delirium What was I thinking!?    Like some of you, I have succumbed to the Saturday afternoon drives by the car dealership.    I will admit: the new car smell and shiny chrome has seduced me into a test…


    Astra 3rd Quarter Commentary

    Astra 3rd Quarter Commentary

    Below is our commentary that went out with our 3rd Quarter reports:   Any decline in the stock market is often accompanied by dire newspaper and news headlines, often with words like turmoil or crisis. But a more accurate word would be Normal. There is no exact reason for the…


    Astra New Team Member

    Meet our new team member  Welcome Kristina! At Astra our number one priority is to provide superior advice and client service.          Kristina Jackson brings knowledge and skills that will ensure that we continue to do this.  She is our manager of client service and administration.  …



    A Workbook For Planning A Financially-Sound Retirement



    How To Save For a House with Nicole Putz by Astra Financial

    How To Save For a House with Nicole Putz

    July 8, 2024
    Should You Get a Part-Time Job in Retirement?

    Should You Get a Part-Time Job in Retirement?

    June 17, 2024

    Should You Wait to Take CPP When You Retire Early?

    June 3, 2024