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    Episode 48 – Debunking Retirement Myths

    Debunking Retirement Myths by Astra Financial

    Are you tired of hearing retirement myths all the time?! Me too! “You should retire at this age.” “Make sure you’ve saved this much money.” Forget about what he said, she said, and let me do the debunking for you! I’ve compiled the most common retirement myths I’ve heard, and…


    Episode 47 – What in the World is a RIF and How Do I Get My Income?

    Episode 47 - What in the World is a RIF and How Do I Get My Income by Astra Financial

    If you’re working on your retirement fund, there are a few things you should know about RIFs, or retirement income funds. New term? Don’t worry! Listen to Episode 47 of Your Heart of Money Podcast where I go over: What a RIF is How they work Some tax tips and…


    Episode 43 – Your Last Meeting of Year with Your Financial Advisor

    It’s almost the end of the year! Are you ready for your last meeting of the year with your financial advisor? In Episode 43 of “The Heart of Your Money,” I cover everything you should take into consideration for this meeting, and why it’s important. Show Notes: Hey there, and…


    Episode 42 – Travel Organization 101

    Episode 42 - Travel Organization 101 by Astra Financial

    NEW PODCAST EPISODE! Catch me in your earbuds with the latest episode of Heart of Money. We’ll cover travel organization 101 so you have peace of mind when you plan for and go on your next trip! I talk about… some of my concerns as my parent’s snowbird down south…


    Episode 40 – The Perfect Retirement with Bryce Buchanan

      Ready for some retirement inspiration? Listen to this tale of The Perfect Retirement with Bryce Buchanan! I want you to hear this. I haven’t been this excited about one of my podcast episodes in a long time. Why you ask? Because I sat down with Bryce Buchanan to talk…


    Episode 41 – What is the Best Month to Retire?

    Episode 41 - What is the Best Month to Retire by Astra Financial

    We all think about what age and year we will retire, but have you given some thought to what month of that year will give you the most bang for your buck? You should. Think about it. What time of year do you… Get your annual bonuses? Have a fiscal…


    Episode 39 – Red Flags and Signs You Should Not Be Retiring Right Now

    Everyone knows when you’re driving, green means go, yellow means we proceed with caution and you press on those brakes when you see red. Same thing goes for seeing red flags when doing your financial planning. What do I mean by retirement red flags? I’m talking about all the things…


    Episode 38 – How to Adjust Your Cash Flow Post-Pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed pretty much every aspect of our lives over the past 20 months, including our spending. We’re spending less on entertainment, cooking at home more and not using those pricey gym memberships. Have you given any thought to what will happen with your spending habits when…


    Episode 37 – Your Holiday Savings Challenge

    Your Holiday Savings Challenge by Astra Financial 2

    How many of you have had the post-holiday trip down guilt lane after you see the credit card bills coming rolling in? I know I have – and it sucks 🙅 My hangovers would either come from buying the quickest, cheapest gift with no meaning or love behind it or…


    Episode 36 – Your Financial Fall Reset

    In this episode I’m going through your financial fall reset checklist. As the CEOs of our families, we want to make good financial decisions that align with our values and allow us to live the lives we want. And sometimes it takes a little reset to get us back on…



    A Workbook For Planning A Financially-Sound Retirement



    How To Save For a House with Nicole Putz by Astra Financial

    How To Save For a House with Nicole Putz

    July 8, 2024
    Should You Get a Part-Time Job in Retirement?

    Should You Get a Part-Time Job in Retirement?

    June 17, 2024

    Should You Wait to Take CPP When You Retire Early?

    June 3, 2024