Category: Financial Planning
Episode 66 – Is Semi-Retirement Right For You?
Is semi-retirement right for you? We’ve all heard the stories of those who retire at a young age and never have to work again. But what about the rest of us? How do we decide what kind of retirement plan is the best plan for our future? In this episode,…
Episode 65 – How Inflation and Rising Costs are Impacting Retirement (Part 1: Inflation Series)
It’s no secret that inflation and rising costs are making it more difficult for people to save for retirement. But how does this impact your plans? The effects are vast, and they’re not going away anytime soon. It’s essential to understand how these changes are impacting your retirement plans so…
Episode 64 – What Not To Do In A Bear Market
Do you know what to do in a bear market? Maybe you’re feeling like you’re missing out on the opportunity to invest and make money. Maybe you’ve been waiting for the perfect time to jump on the market, but it’s not happening. I’ve got some advice for you: don’t change…
Episode 63 – What is Canada’s New Tax-Free First Home Savings Plan?
Have you heard about the Tax-Free First Home Savings Account? It’s a new plan that will help first-time home buyers save for purchasing their first home! Whether you’re… – A Teenager looking to get ahead – A parent looking to help out your children – Hoping to buy a home…
Episode 62 – Curve-Ball Proofing Your Retirement Plan
Whether you like it or not, you’re retirement could come sooner than anticipated! Health Family Relationships They can all have an effect on your retirement plan. And because I don’t want anyone to have an unpleasant retirement, this week on the Heart of Your Money Podcast, I’ll be talking about…
Episode 61 – How to Deal with the Stressors of the Sandwich Generation (Looking after kids and parents all at the same time)
Ever heard of the Sandwich Generation? It refers to those who are in the position of looking after their elderly parents and their children. Maybe you’re creeping up to it, or perhaps you’re already there. Either way, it’s not an easy position to be in, but let me tell you, there…
Episode 60 – How Your Financial Advisor Can Help With More Than Just Your Money
Wondering how your financial can help with your finances? Well, it starts with asking this question: Do you feel supported by your financial advisor? And I don’t just mean financially! 💰 A great advisor is someone who takes into consideration your… Career dynamics Family dynamics Emotional dynamics You are so…
Episode 59 – How to Deal with Market Volatility
So, your investments are tanking, and you’ve had the urge to sell them? Let’s re-think that! There are a lot of factors contributing to a particularly volatile market right now, which can make for a scary situation. Luckily, I’ve got a few pieces of advice I want to share…
Episode 58 – Mother’s Day Episode
In this week’s podcast, we’re chatting mom to mom about motherhood and the realities of financial planning! My special guest, Nicole Putz, is celebrating her first Mother’s Day this year and shares her candid experiences and favourite pieces of advice as a new mother. Join us for a lighthearted…
Episode 57 – The Scoop on Value-Based Investing
Do your investments align with your ethical values? This question plays into the idea of value-based investing – investing in companies that take environmental, social, and governance issues into account. There are a lot of sneaky companies out there that come across as environmentally friendly. However, you have to…