Lessons from Celebrity Estate Failures

Don’t miss our latest podcast episode! I’m dishing on the celebrities and offering vital aspects of estate planning, including … 🌟 Why having a will is crucial to avoid complications and disputes. 🌟 Common reasons for delaying will creation. 🌟 The importance of updating your will as life changes. Celeb…

The Worst Advice Given

  Welcome to episode #103! In this podcast episode, I’m sharing commonly given bad financial advice, including… Investing all your money in a single stock based on rumors or tips is discouraged due to its high risk. Borrowing money to invest, known as leveraging, can lead to financial trouble. Dipping…

Retirement’s Financial and Emotional Crossroads

  You’ve got Q’s, I’ve got A’s! In this week’s episode, I’m answering all your burning questions, including how to… ✅ Balance Finances: Managing cash flow when one partner retires before the other is crucial. Evaluate retirement income sources, minimize taxes, and consider health insurance impact. ✅ Make Smart Investments:…

Estate Talk with Yens Pedersen

  In this episode, lawyer Yens Pedersen and I are navigating common mistakes in estate planning choices. Here’s a sneak peak at the 3 three key takeaways… ✔️Executor fees vary by province, and compensation depends on factors like complexity and assets. Some opt for percentage-based fees, while banks and trust…

Billy Pratt Shares His $5 Story

  In our ⭐100th ⭐ episode of “The Heart of Your Money” podcast, guest Billy Pratt shares his inspiring “$5 Story” experiment. In this experiment… 💌 He sent $5 bills to 43 people with no restrictions on how to use it. 💌 Recipients used the money for self-care, charity, and…

Why the Bleep are You with Your Financial Advisor?

  This week’s podcast episode has me all fired up! Tune in to find out my top 3 tips for getting the most of out your relationship with your financial advisor, including … ✅ Demanding a financial plan from your advisor. You deserve it! ✅ Seeking comprehensive advice beyond just…

How Can I Plan for Long-term Care Expenses in Retirement?

In my latest episode, I’m sharing my top 3 tips for a peaceful retirement: 🌟The importance of planning for long-term care expenses in retirement 🌟Downsizing as an option to fund care costs 🌟And the significance of open family discussions about care preferences These 3 aspects ensure a secure and comfortable…

The 3 Things I Have Learned in My Personal Journey

Good things come in 3’s. And in this podcast episode, I get personal and share 3 key things that I have learned in my personal journey: ✨Money matters ✨Motivation matters ✨Tribe matters Money goes beyond numbers, representing dreams and values. Motivation drives success by understanding your “why” and staying connected…

Financial Benchmarking: Where You Should Be (Financially) in your 30s

In my latest podcast episode, I’m sharing my top 3 financial tips to kickstart an abundant future in your 30’s. Things like … Building a strong financial foundation in your thirties by managing cash flow, saving for emergencies, paying off debt, and planning for retirement. Investing in yourself by advancing…

Financial Benchmarking: Where You Should Be (Financially) In Your 40s

In my latest episode, I’m talking all thing financial benchmarking for your 40s and what’s the most important things to have in place (financally-speaking), such as… ✅ Focusing on developing a financially fit mindset, setting boundaries, and saying no to unnecessary expenses ✅ Having important conversations about wills, power of…