Category: Financial Planning
Episode 12 – How To Put Your Financial Plan on Autopilot
Want to spend life enjoying things like family, friends work, while knowing you’ve taken care of your financial house? Like you’ve cleared all the savings and bill payment clutter from your brain so you have more time to focus on the good stuff? Well then, take the time to put…
Episode 11 – How to Choose Your Financial Advisor
A lot of people don’t know there’s a difference between financial advisors and certified financial planners. But the title says it all. One can perhaps advise (but is also possibly trying to meet product sales quotas), and the other is there to plan your future. I don’t know about you,…
Episode 10 – Should We Be Helping Our Adult Children Financially?
As parents, we always want to protect our kids and make sure they’re okay. We pick them up when they scrape their knees trying to ride a bike and give a stink eye to the other kids who are mean to them on the playground. But at some point…
Episode 9 – Topping up RSPs vs Tax-Free Savings Accounts
Trying to figure out whether to put your retirement money into a TFSA or RSP? I know it can be confusing. I get questions on this topic all the time, so I knew I had to do a podcast on it. With the RSP deadline coming up, I knew it…
Episode 8 – Documenting and Organizing Your Estate Binder
We’ve all seen Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, but have you listened to The Estate Planning of the Rich and Famous yet? Estate planning and leaving a legacy isn’t just for the rich and famous, but I know it can be intimidating and frankly sometimes a bit morbid…
Episode 7 – Estate Planning of the Rich and Famous: The Dos and Don’ts
We’ve all seen Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, but have you listened to The Estate Planning of the Rich and Famous yet? It’s my latest podcast where I dive into the reasons why having your will and estate plans in order and up to date is so important….
Episode 6 – Busting Financial Planning Myths
I don’t know about you but I love when a Financial Planning Myths gets busted …from the moon being made of cheese to that being Trump’s natural skin tone (sorry, I had to do it). But some myths can actually be pretty frightening and really hurt us financially, which…
Episode 5 – End of Year Financial Checklist
A new year is almost here (whew, we made it!) and this is a great time to do a financial checklist to see how you did this year in terms of meeting your goals, paying off debts and figuring out what you want to make happen in the year…
Episode 4 – Pandemic Pension
The biggest Pandemic Pension question I’m getting asked right now is should I stay in a defined benefit pension or take a commuted value? What are the pros and cons to each? I know people hate this answer but it’s different for everyone. There is no one-size-fits-all answer here. There’s…
Episode 3 – The Biggest Retirement Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make
Saving for retirement is a lifelong process and it’s important for your future that you plan how you’ll save properly. But it’s easy to get tripped up by making common financial mistakes like not starting early enough or not seeking out advice from a professional financial advisor (they’re not just…