Episode 76 – Do You Need Travel Insurance?

  Traveller insurance is a must for any traveller. If you’re going on a holiday, it’s important to make sure that you have the correct insurance in place. This will ensure that you have all of the necessary covers for your trip and that any accidents or injuries that happen…

Episode 74 – Should You Wait Till You’re Dead to Gift?

  This week, we’re talking about gifting money. Should you wait till you’re dead to gift money? It’s an important question, and one that everyone should be thinking about. We’ll break down the financial implications of gifting money before you pass, as well as some other considerations. With all the…

Episode 73 – Your Holiday Savings Challenge

  How many of you have had the post-holiday trip down guilt lane after you see the credit card bills coming rolling in? I know I have – and it sucks đź™… My hangovers would either come from buying the quickest, cheapest gift with no meaning or love behind it…

Episode 68 – Why Young People need Life Insurance

Life insurance is a necessary part of financial planning—no matter your age. But it’s not always easy to understand what benefits can be gained from paying into a life insurance policy from a young age. In this episode, I discuss the three benefits of purchasing life insurance for your young…

Episode 67 – Extra Savings Buckets for Retirement Savings

Are you a retiree? Do you want to be? If so, there’s something important that you need to know: saving money isn’t just for before you retire. It’s also important after you’ve retired and are living off your savings! That’s because it’s essential to have extra savings buckets in place….

Episode 66 – Is Semi-Retirement Right For You?

Is semi-retirement right for you? We’ve all heard the stories of those who retire at a young age and never have to work again. But what about the rest of us? How do we decide what kind of retirement plan is the best plan for our future? In this episode,…