Astra Client Spotlight

Astra Client spotlight features our clients and their words so that we can gain more insight and learn from each other.


Meet Jasmine and learn about her two business ventures, her world travels and the best advice she received.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what your day job is?


Well, these days, I wear many hats.  I currently work as a Mental Health Counsellor at a Regina High School.  I also work part-time as a crisis support worker for youth and adults struggling with mental health and addiction.  After 11 years as a Social Worker, I decided to branch off into a completely new direction by establishing two businesses…….in tourism and customer service!

The first business is called Elite Coffee Systems, which provides environmentally responsible coffee to businesses in Regina.  My goal is to replace K-cups that fill our landfills by offering full-service coffee machines designed to provide freshly brewed coffee and specialty hot beverages in the workplace.

My second business is Regina’s only Segway Tour company called Regina Rolling Robot Tours.  I now have an exciting job of creating positive, lasting memories for people who take guided tours of Wascana Centre on Segways.

Astra Client Spotlight

Astra Client Spotlight

Astra Client Spotlight


What do you do for fun?


During the summer months, I like to water-ski and golf at the family cabin.  In the winter months, I like to travel to exotic countries to explore different cultures and experience adventure activities.  White water rafting down the Nile River, bungee jumping in Costa Rica, sky-diving in New Zealand, and scuba diving are a few of my favourite adrenaline activities.


Favourite place you’ve travelled to?

I have traveled to India more than once because it is my favourite country.  India’s culture is so rich and the people are so welcoming.  I have been fortunate enough to travel to 22 countries thus far.  From Eastern Africa, Central America, Europe to the Middle East, each place is so unique and memorable.

First thing you saved up for?

When I was 12 years old, my parents encouraged me and my twin sister to save up for a trampoline.  My parents paid us $1/hour to perform laborious jobs around the yard.  When I found out my friends would earn weekly allowance and get paid $20/hour to wash their parent’s car, I would complain to my parents but they would not budge on their hourly wage.  Needless to say, it took all summer and fall to save up enough money to purchase the trampoline…. just in time for it to be put away for the winter.


Best piece of Life or Financial advice you have ever received?

My mom’s motto is: “It’s not how much you earn… it’s how much you save.”  As a result, I only spend money once I have enough saved.   Zena, my financial advisor, also reiterates that it is not how much you earn that defines our abundance but the mindset we hold.


We take pride in the success of our clients. I can’t say enough good things about Jasmine and her upbeat, positive attitude. You are a pleasure to work with!

We recommend you try a rolling tour with family and visitors this summer. Check it out here and book your tour:

Also, if you are looking for an environment friendly coffee service:

Astra Client Spotlight