Astra Client Spotlight

Astra Client spotlight features our clients and their words so that we can gain more insight and learn from each other.

Meet Astra member, Kim Korven. She is a joy to work with and is always inspiring us here at Astra.

I asked Kim to share a little bit about herself:

I am a Saskatchewanian. This means: I am compassionate and empathetic, pragmatic, curious, intelligent, tough, independent, responsible, a creative problem solver, and a visionary. Also, I am committed to peaceful and durable outcomes. What else? Mother, wife, ex-wife, judo coach, lawyer, and mediator.

Astra Client Spotlight

Astra Client Spotlight


Can you remember a money lesson from growing up?

Two money lessons stand out for me growing up. One is negative, one is positive. When I was 12, I spent all my money – $21 – at the Swift Current Fair. When I came home and told my parents, they were absolutely horrified. I felt so very ashamed of my actions.


Then when I was 13, I negotiated a loan at the local Credit Union for $250 so I could buy downhill skis. My payments were $25 each month and my parents did not have to guarantee the loan. It was incredibly empowering.


What is a luxury that you can’t do without?

Some might consider art and music luxury items. I consider them necessities that lift up my spirit. We have original paintings and some prints in our home. They brighten my day! Music is part of the rhythm of our family.


Leave us with some words of wisdom:

Follow your heart and your dreams. This is the best gift you can give your children. After my first marriage ended, my children and I moved to Saskatoon so I could pursue a long held dream, of obtaining a Masters degree in law. I had been out of school for 15 years and I had no idea how I would pay for it. The universe provided – scholarships! It was so tough at the start, but it got easier. My children experienced me being happy, doing something that mattered to me. It has made it easier for them to follow their hearts.

Astra Client Spotlight

Kim is a talented lawyer and her gift is family law, mediation and estate planning.  If you are interested please visit her website:


Astra Client Spotlight