Astra Client Spotlight

Client spotlight features our clients and their words so that we can gain more insight and learn from each other.


Meet Astra members, Carl and Lorraine Radbruch


Tell us a bit about yourself:



During my career I was a high school teacher for 12 years, worked for a computer company for 16 years, and spent the last 12 years working for the CNIB in Regina.  Since retiring I spend a lot of free time woodworking – making wooden toy trucks, trains and other small projects.

Astra Client Spotlight

 Astra Client SpotlightAstra Client Spotlight



For a number of years I was a stay-at-home Mum and before retiring I spent 30 years providing child care.  Since retiring I spend my free time crocheting and knitting.  I do charity work with Angels for Warmth and Sask Angel Dresses where we turn  donations of money and yarn into hats, mittens, scarves, sweaters and afghans for the less fortunate in the community.  We also make and donate tiny hats for the newborn babies at the Regina General Hospital.  


Astra Client Spotlight



What is something you consider a luxury but don’t think you could live without?



The tools I buy for my woodworking hobby are definitely a luxury and maybe I could do without them but I am not going to.



Our house is larger than we need for ourselves but is very handy when out-of-town family come for weekends and holidays – which is often.  We also seem to need a lot of room for our hobbies.


Best thing you’ve spent or splurged money on?



I don’t think we really splurge a lot.  If there is something we want, and we can afford it, we buy it.  If we can’t afford it we don’t buy it.  If we still think we need it we save until we can afford it. .



Since retiring,  a few trips and several cruises,  and most recently, tickets for the 2017 World’s Men Curling which will be in Regina this year.  And a new snow blower…



What would you tell your 20 year old self knowing what you know now?



Early in my career we used  RRSPs and a savings account to save for the future.  I wished now that I had access to a financial advisor to help me invest in better long-term options.  I definably would tell my 20 year old self that instead of making the banks richer I could earn all that interest for myself.



Find a qualified financial advisor as soon as you start your career and don’t think you have wait until you have a big savings account first.


Thank you Carl and Lorraine for sharing. If you would like more information on how to help with Lorraine’s volunteer work with Angels for Warmth and Sask Angel Dresses, please email Astra.  Also, if you are interested in purchasing Carl’s wood toy trucks/trains, let us know and we will pass on his info. (I have seen the collection and bought for our nephews  -AMAZING!)

Astra Client Spotlight